Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing


Guest Editors: Yutaka Hata, Alioune Ngom, Zoran Obradovic

MVLIJ creates a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the
world to present the latest research, results, and ideas in the field of
multiple-valued logic. This special issue provides a medium for the exchange of
ideas between theoreticians and practitioners to address the important issues of
the practice of artificial intelligence in multiple-valued logic. It will
consist of contributory papers focusing on theory, implementation and
application of computational intelligence techniques to multiple-valued logic.

Topics of this issue must be limited to computational intelligence and may

- Evolutionary computing in MVL such as
- Evolutionary programming
- Evolution strategies
- Genetic programming
- Genetic algorithms
- Neural computing in MVL
- Machine learning in MVL
- Fuzzy computing in MVL
- Other complex adaptive methods in MVL such as
- Computer immune system
- Simulated annealing
- Cellular automata
- Ants systems
- Tabu search
- Other intelligent search techniques in MVL

The topic areas may include (but not limited to)

- Pattern recognition, clustering or classification
- Logic circuit/expression optimization
- Qualitative or approximate reasoning
- Signal processing or understanding
- Logic or functional decomposition
- System identification
- Information retrieval
- Datafusion or mining
- Knowledge discovery
- Evolvable hardwares
- Automated reasoning
- Fault diagnosis
- Control

Submission of Papers

Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, correctness
and clarity of presentation. Papers should present original work, which has not
been submitted nor published in other journals.

Five copies of the papers (maximum 30 pages double-spaced including figures)
should be received by December 1, 2000. For each author, including the
corresponding author, provide name, affiliation, full address, phone
number, fax
number and email address. Please include keywords to indicate the topic and
area of the paper. Notification of acceptance and authors kits will be mailed
by March 15, 2001. The final manuscripts are due by May 1, 2001.

Important Dates

Full paper submission: December 1, 2000
Notification of acceptance: March 15, 2001
Final manuscripts: May 1, 2001

Please send all submissions to one of the guest editors. Electronic submissions
are also welcome. If you do submit by e-mail, please specify which editor;
e-mail to all three editors is fine, but hard copies goes to only one of
us. The
editors' address is given below.

Yutaka Hata, Associate Professor, Computer Engineering Department, Himeji
Institute of Technology, 2167, Shosha, Himeji, 671-2201, Japan.

Alioune Ngom, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, 5115 Lambton
Tower, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4 Canada.

Zoran Obradovic, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering And
Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-2752, USA.
