[logo]IEEE MVL-TC Bulletin - June '01

Message From the TC Chair

Dear Colleague,

Only a few more weeks until this year's ISMVL! Do you have, like me, already registered and booked your hotel? If not, you should not hesitate much longer.

I would like to take this opportunity and invite every MVL researcher to come to Warsaw and participate in ISMVL 2001. Ewa Orlowska and her team put together a very interesting program
(see http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~ismvl/preliminary-program.htm).

The program is rounded off by 5 invited presentations covering the full spectrum of multiple-valued logic. For the first time at ISMVL (to the best of my knowledge), there will be two tutorial talks.

Symposium chair Prof. Konikowska set up an informative web site at http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~ismvl/. Here you will find the technical program, related events, registration form, hotel information, etc. You can register by filling in the form at http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~ismvl/registration.htm.

May is a busy month in Warsaw, so be sure to reserve your hotel before
April 20.

I am looking very much forward to see you in Warsaw in May.


   Reiner Haehnle


I believe these were distributed earlier but in the event
you do not have them, I am attaching the minutes of the
Symposium Subcommittee Meeting, Executive Subcommittee
Meeting and Plenary Session from ISMVL 2000.
Word and PDF versions are attached.

I look forward to seeing you in Warsaw.

Michael Miller
MVL-TC Secretary

Executive Subcommittee  DOC FILE(30.2KB)  PDF FILE(10.1KB)
Plenary Session  DOC FILE(26.6KB)  PDF FILE(12.5KB)
Symposium Subcommittee  DOC FILE(29.2KB)  PDF FILE(9.62KB)


Bulletin Editor: Yutaka Hata