Message From the TC Chair

May 2004

Dear Friends, Researchers and all of you who happened to find this Webpage and the multi-valued logic interesting.

This is my first message as the new Chair of the MVL-TC. I would like to thank all of you who elected me. I feel very honored to serve our society and you. I will try to do my best to serve our community and look for possible new directions of research and applications where we can be helpful to the research community at large, and where we can contribute new ideas and solutions based on our past experiences in Multiple-Valued logic.

At the same time, I would like to thank the past chair, Professor Tsutomu Sasao from Japan for his many contributions to our MVL Committee in the past, and predominantly for his outstanding work as the Technical Committee Chair in years 2002-2003. I am sure that Professor Sasao will continue to be a source of inspiration for us and will keep working in the committee and MVL research community.

I set myself few goals when accepting the TC Chair position:

* Strengthen the links with other research communities that have interests and methodologies that are close to what we try to achieve in MVL. I think especially about nano-technology, reversible logic, optical computing and quantum computing. For instance, the Reed-Muller Symposium was recently re-named "International Symposium on Representations and Methodology for Future Computing Technologies There are many other conferences and workshops devoted to quantum and reversible logic, nanotechnology and optical computing that already made references to multiple-valued logic. My goal is to bring speakers in these areas to ISMVL and ULSI meetings and encourage our members to participate in these conferences. I found it very stimulating to see papers about reversible logic and quantum computing in several mainstream conferences recently and I believe that the MVL community should look to the opportunities afforded by these new technologies.

* Continue work of previous chairs of TC on increasing the visibility of our research community. We should bring more young people to our community and made our work visible to larger audiences. The arrival of new post-silicon technologies are a big chance for us to do so. This is a chance that we did not have for many years in the past and we should not loose our chances.

Soon the ISMVL-2004 will take place in Toronto on May 19 - May 22. I would like to invite everybody who has an active interest in Multiple-Valued Logic to attend this important event. The symposium committee chaired by Professor Ali Sheikholeslami has put together an interesting program with two invited presentations, by Professor Jonathan Rose from University of Toronto on "Soft versus Hard, The Central Question of Pre-Fabricated Silicon", and by Professor Gilles Brassard from University of Montreal, Canada, about Quantum Communication Complexity

I believe that multiple-valued logic is entering a new era of applications in nano-technologies and especially quantum computing and quantum communication. The invited papers, as well as regular papers, a panel session and informal discussions, will lead us towards important achievements in these new dimensions of research. Our community has much to offer and we should be more active in linking our research to the new perspectives and applications made possible by fast progress in technology development in the recent years.

On May 19 there will be the 13th International Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems at the same place, organized by professor Yasushi Yuminaka. The workshop will include an invited session on "Graph-Based Approach for Synthesizing Arithmetic Circuits" by N. Homma, M. Natsui and T. Aoki.

Advance program, registration, hotel, and tourist information are also available at
All information on ISMVL and ULSI workshop are also available at
Many other interesting webpages related to MV logic appeared recently on Internet and I will try to keep you posted about these recent developments.

I am looking forward to see you in Toronto in May.
Please bring with your your creative ideas of how we can together improve the work of our technical committee.

Marek Perkowski
TC Chair