Message From the TC Chair

Dear Friends.

Soon, we will have ISMVL-2003 in Tokyo during May 16-19.
We invite every MVL researcher to come to Tokyo to attend ISMVL-2003. The program and symposium chairs put together a quite interesting program. The program is strengthen by three invited talks that cover the full aspects of multiple-valued logic:
Lofti A. Zadeh, Andrei A. Krokhin, Tetsuya Asai and Yoshihito Amemiya,

On May 16, we also have the 12th International Workshop on Post-Binary ULSI Systems, at the same place.

Advance program, registration, hotel and tourist information are also available in

Register they symposium and reserve the hotel by April 18.

All information of ISMVL and workshop are linked from
which also has a link to
"Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing"


Tsutomu Sasao

Tsutomu Sasao
TC Chair